Our Story
Dignity has been supporting displaced people entering the Czech Republic since 2015. Our work is vital to help people integrate and settle into a new country. We work very closely with refugees who have arrived from countries all over the world, including: Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria and many more. Every person has different needs and we put together bespoke plans to assist them in the best possible way. We provide this assistance in a variety of ways - from finding schools for children, assisting with interpreting and translations, providing accommodation and helping with medical needs. Ultimately our aim is to assist with integration and settlement into the Czech Republic.
The Current Situation
Before 2015, there were very few refugees entering the Czech Republic. The dire situation in countries such as Iraq and Syria led to people seeking refuge in European countries
- Before 2015, there were very few refugees entering the Czech Republic. The dire situation in countries such as Iraq and Syria led to people seeking refuge in European countries
Republic is a transit country for migration into western countries. If borders
are crossed illegally, people are placed into detention centres
- While
a large number of refugees passed through the Czech Republic, many have been
granted asylum and plan to stay in the country long-term
- The refugee population in the Czech Republic is extremely diverse - from small babies to elderly people forced to flee their homes. The vast majority of refugees do not speak any Czech at all, although some do speak English. Most refugees wish to work, although many are incapable due to the lack of language skills or poor health
The Integration Process
Integration is a process during which an incomer is accepted into a society. Integration should be a two-way, complex process build around the specific needs of a particular person with the aim to provide opportunities allowing the incomer to rebuild his/her life and to become fully independent within the host society
A well implemented Integration Plan is essential for our work. It clarifies areas where we are able to provide assistance and sets tangible goals. Housing, employment, education, medical care, social benefits, Czech language courses and others are all included. Clients are setting times for home visits and activities that they want to include.
The Integration Plan is created separately for each person, including children. The result of our work is to support a fully integrated individual, who can lead an independent and fulfilling life in his/her new surroundings
- Mastering the Czech language
Assistance with finding and securing various language courses for foreigners, arranging conversation sessions - themes are based on clients' needs, tutoring for children, assistance with Czech homework, etc. - Awareness and getting to know Czech society
Seminars with the aim to introduce Czech culture, customs, traditions and way of life
These are basic yet provide fundamental information covering norms of demeanour, expectations of society etc. as well as workshops - practical exercises: filling-in postal orders, making an appointment, job interviews, introducing partner to a colleague, what to ask about during parents' evening, making an order in a restaurant/café, describe problems at doctor office, etc. - Financial independence of asylum holders
Professional social consulting, assistance with securing employment, preparing CVs, preparation for a job interview, preparation of required documents, assistance with Job Office and Benefits agenda - accompaniment for appointments - interpreting - Regular weekly meetings within community
Joint celebration of birthdays and holidays, fun leisure activities for everyone to participate in a "free shop" held at our Community Centre in Prague - Relationships between asylum holder and majority
Meeting with Christians, visits to various churches, visits with Czech families, leisure activities, creative workshops, multicultural evenings, trips, get-togethers at our Community Centre - Children and adults continuous education
Assistance with children registration at schools, cooperation with schools on various grants and individual learning plans, teaching assistants, orientation within new surroundings, help to understand specifics of Czech education - clubs, school canteen, after school program, camps etc.
assistance with securing of re-qualification - Housing assistance
With securing of suitable housing, signing of rental agreement - translation of important information, moving or equipping of a new household - from collections, assistance with minor repairs, etc. - Medical care
Registration at a doctor's office, making appointments at a doctor's office, assistance during an appointment - interpreting - in time clients carry these appointment out themselves - Orientation within new surroundings
Independent use of public transportation - Accompaniment to arranged
Job office, Benefits office, Ministry of Interior, etc. - Home visits
Becoming familiar with specifics of their area, identifying of clients' needs, relationships with neighbours, need for repairs, etc.